Nollywood Actress Aniebiet Francis recently premiered a short film One Bright Morning’ in Uyo. The premiere also marked the epic launch of the ‘Every Seconds Count’ campaign by her NGO – Conscience Alive Foundation. the event which was held at Monty suites, had speakers from The Road Safety, Red Cross, Police, political class and the medical profession. Star Actor Bimbo Manuel of Tinsel fame led a gaxaly of other stars which included Moses Armstrong, Moses Eskor and Emem etto to the premiere.
Domestic, road, workplace and other types of accidents are generally caused by carelessness, recklessness, drunk driving, bad facilities, improper handling, over speeding, non-adherence to laws, etc.
With the improved access to mobile technology and other devices, there has been a paradigm shift in the response of people to accident situations and casualties, everyone increasingly seeing themselves as “Social Media Journalist”’ are more interested in being the first to report an accident (with photographic proof), while others expend valuable time, analyzing the accident rather than helping the victims, usually resulting in loss of lives.
Many who would love to help often do not know how or who to call due to ignorance and lack of basic emergency situation knowledge.
Also, distance, traffic, will and desire to operate within the ambit of the law, play key roles in service delivery at accident scenes among health workers and emergency managers.
Many lives would be saved if there is rapid and effective response at accident scenes by the public and other agencies responsible for emergency management. This is the basis for our campaign: ‘’EVERY SECOND COUNTS!’’
The second part of this project will feature town hall meetings and tours in two states of each geopolitical zones in Nigeria.
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